Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Triumphant Return

After a long chain of side-quests, hiatus is tentatively over.
Over the last few months, my life has resembled a redneck soap opera. I did NOT suffer writer's block for my blog or my WIP Don't Fireball the Neighbors. (My muse has had the equivalent of Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings.) Time to write, however, was another matter.

When most people say, "I didn't have time to write," they mean that they didn't manage their time and played video games or binged a new show. Unfortunately, the latest Zelda game didn't cause my hiatus.

My medical history is complicated. When the weather changes, the joints in my fingers and wrists feel ten years older than the rest of me. 

If I'm too sore for video games, I'm too sore to type. (Typing is actually more challenging because there aren't pretty sounds and lights to distract you from the 'ouch' every fourth time you hit a key.)

Now, a hard-core writer would switch to voice dictation software. I, however, have a strong "Okie" accent. I once asked Siri, "What does the fox say?" Siri got onto me for swearing. If I want working software, free-ware isn't going to cut it.

Speaking of money, did you know that the keyboard in most laptops is not replaceable? If, let's say, a coffee shorts it out, techs can't even get to the sensors to clean it. A Bluetooth keyboard is a cheap, portable stopgap. However, if you forget either the keyboard, dongle, or spare battery, you better hope tablet mode works.

Hiatus started because I had sore hands and a half-dead computer. It ran long because I also had a large medical bill.

With my overly complicated medical history, I was technically due for a colonoscopy in 2020. I said, "Ha Ha, no, there's a plague going on." 2021 rolled around. I clenched my teeth and spread open my bank account. Recovery from the procedure was easy. Recovering my savings, not as easy.

Like most aspiring writers, I have a 'day job.' House and pet sitting is not glamorous or stable work. However, when you have a complicated medical situation, a salaried position can be impossible to find and hold. (I've been turned down from volunteer positions - so much for padding my resume.)

I jumped into the summer rush feet first. I barely remember being home in June. No, I'm not gonna post the details of those jobs online. My clients have a right to privacy. If they skip on the bills, though, they become fair game.

However, I will say this. People hire pet-sitters when they have special needs animals. Like with babysitting, you're lucky to get a few hours to yourself every day. Unlike babysitting, there's no diaper to catch things.

Finally, in July, I bought a new laptop. My old one had continued to die and was literally bolted together. (Screen hinges are another non-replaceable feature.) My internet still sucks, but I can now type. The hiatus is tentatively over.

Tentatively, because Mom just sold the house. Let's hope my new compression gloves keep my fingers in typing shape during the move.